姓名: 刘伟国 职称:教授/硕士生导师
系别: 信息管理系 电话:0931-7971781
邮箱:winterplum.home@163.com 地址:威尼斯7798cc
2002-2005 大连理工大学威尼斯7798cc系统工程专业研究生
1994-1998 威尼斯7798cc计算机科学系计算机科学与技术专业本科
2024.5- 至今 威尼斯7798cc威尼斯7798cc教师
2012.8-2024.4 威尼斯7798cc商学院教师
2006.8-2012.7 威尼斯7798cc经济威尼斯7798cc教师
1998.7-2006.7 威尼斯7798cc经济系教师
运营管理、供应链管理、管理信息系统、离散数学 等
1.XuYin Wang,Weiguo Liu*.Optimal Different Due-Dates Assignment Scheduling with Group Technology and Resource Allocation.Mathematics. 2024; 12(3); .(Indexed by SCI)
2.WeiGuo Liu*,Weizhe Dai,XuYin Wang.Optimizing Production Schedules: Balancing Worker Cooperation and Learning Dynamics in Seru Systems. Processes. 2024; 12(1); . (Indexed by SCI)
3.Weiguo Liu*,Xuyin Wang, Lu Li, Weizhe Dai. Due-window assignment scheduling with job-rejection, truncated learning effects and setup times. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2024, 20(1): 313-324. doi: 10.3934/jimo.2023079 .(Indexed by SCI)
4.Weiguo Liu*,Lu Li,Xuyin Wang.Ontology-Based Line-Seru Conversion Scenario Modeling.Proceedings of 2023 3rd International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security (ICCAIS2023). Wuhan, China,December 20-22, 2023.(Indexed by EI)
5.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin Wang.Group Technology Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Controllable Processing Times.Processes. 2023; 11(4).(Indexed by SCI)
6.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin Wang, A Research on the Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Based on Scenario Deduction. Architecture Engineering and Science,2022,3(4), pp.302-308.
7.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin Wang, Lu Li,Peizhen Zhao.A maintenance activity scheduling with time-and-position dependent deteriorating effects[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(11):11756-11767.doi:10.3934/mbe.2022547.(Indexed by SCI & EI)
8.Xuyin Wang*, Weiguo Liu, Lu Li,Peizhen Zhao,Ruifeng Zhang. Resource dependent scheduling with truncated learning effects[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(6): 5957-5967.doi:10.3934/mbe.2022278.(Indexed by SSCI &SCI & EI)
9.Xuyin Wang*, Weiguo Liu, Lu Li,Peizhen Zhao,Ruifeng Zhang. Due date assignment scheduling with positional-dependent weights and proportional setup times[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5104-5119. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022238.(Indexed by SCI & EI)
10.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin Wang,Xiaoxiao Wang,Peizhen Zhao.Due-window assignment scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,2022,19(3): 3110-3126. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022144.(Indexed by SSCI & SCI & EI)
11.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin Wang,Xiaoxiao Wang,Peizhen Zhao.Study on Single-Machine Group Scheduling with Due-Window Assignment and Position-Dependent Weights.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2021, Article ID 2232696, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/2232696.(Indexed by SCI & EI)
12.Weiguo Liu*, Xiangpei Hu,Xuyin Wang.Single machine scheduling with slack due dates assignment. Engineering Optimization.2017.49(4): 709-717.(Indexed by SCI & EI)
13.Xuyin Wang*, Xiangpei Hu,Weiguo Liu.Scheduling with deteriorating jobs and non-simultaneous machine available times. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.2015,32(6):1-13(Indexed by SCI & EI)
14.Weiguo Liu*, Xuyin WANG.A problem-oriented knowledge representation for logistics scheduling.2014 International conference on Information Management and Management Engineering. 2014,335-343.
15.Wubin GUO,Xiangpei. HU,Weiguo LIU,Xuyin WANG,Connectivity and Principal Component Analysis Based Network Decomposition for the Vehicle Navigation Path Analysis. Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, (WiCOM 2008). 2008,Dalian,pp.1-5. (Indexed by EI.)
16.刘伟国*,胡祥培,王旭茵.物流配送问题的知识表示及其在GIS中的映射研究.控制与决策,2007,22(1):85-90. ( Indexed by EI)
17.Weiguo Liu, Xiangpei Hu,Xuyin Wang. Mapping of Logistics Distribution Knowledge for E-Commerce in GIS. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (I), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, Harbin, China (Lille, France), October 5-7. 2006, 36-40.( Indexed by EI and ISTP)
18.Xuyin Wang, Xiangpei Hu, Weiguo Liu. An urban tourism intelligent recommendation system based on WebGIS. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (I), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, Harbin, China (Lille, France), October 5-7. 2006, 166-171. (Indexed by EI and ISTP)
19.Liu Wei-guo, HU Xiang-pei, WANG Xu-yin. A GIS-based Integration of Visual Information Platform for E-commerce Logistics Distribution.Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (I), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, Harbin, China(Incheon, R.Korea), July 20-21. 2005, 93-97.(Indexed by ISTP)
20.Xuyin Wang, Xiangpei Hu, Weiguo Liu. A Knowledge-based Supplier Location in the Real-time Processing of E-Commerce Order. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan, November 10-12, 2004:1-5
21.胡祥培*,王旭茵,刘伟国 等.动态规划问题的知识化数学模型生成器研究. 管理工程学报, 2004, 18(2):64-69.
22.Liu Weiguo, Hu Xiangpei, Xu Zhichao. A GIS-based knowledge representation for logistics distribution. Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (I), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, Harbin, China (Georgia, USA), August 15-17. 2003: 55-62. (Indexed by ISTP)
6.参与者, 国家社会科学基金项目, “西北少数民族地区农村信息消费特点与信息服务模式研究---以甘肃为例”(2010-2017)
7.参加者, 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,“面向服务的商务智能与知识管理方法”(2009-2012)
1.Ontology-Based Line-Seru Conversion Scenario Modeling.3rd International Conference on Computer Application and Information Security (ICCAIS2023)
2.A problem-oriented knowledge representation for logistics scheduling.2014 International conference on Information Management and Management Engineering(IMME2014)
1. 获得 甘肃省高等学校新商科大赛、西部高等学校新商科大赛、长风学霸赛、三创赛、商物流与供应链精英挑战赛、全国大学生数据分析与挖掘、‘链战风云’全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛、‘百蝶杯’全国大学生物流仿真设计大赛等比赛优秀指导教师20余次。
2.甘肃省教学成果二等奖. 课堂教学+项目实训的工商管理类课程教学模式创新——“专业能力提升计划”十年探索与实践.(4-10)
3. 威尼斯7798cc商学院“本科生专业能力提升计划”项目优秀指导老师3次。
4. 2021年 威尼斯7798cc第61届“优秀实习指导教师”荣誉称号;
5. 2022年 威尼斯7798cc第62届“优秀实习指导教师”荣誉称号;
6. 2022年 威尼斯7798cc“就业工作先进个人”荣誉称号